semi-daily musings from a sentimental fool.

now, focus.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

fill your cup.

"Let yourselves be emptied and transformed in order to fill the cup of your heart to its fullest, then you in turn will be able to give in abundance."  -Mother Teresa

Cups are interesting things, really. They can be as earnest as simply putting your two hands together or they can be as lavish as hand painted china with gold leaf.  They can carry the sentiments of grandchildren or they can campaign for a local politician. They are, whatever their form, ultimately meant to hold that which sustains us and can't be filled unless they are emptied from time to time.

When I was a new mother, I read the most meaningful book of my young parenthood titled, "Are We Having Fun Yet? The 16 Secrets of Happy Parenting" by Kay Willis and Maryann Bucknum Brinley.  In it, these two wise women talk about the importance for parents (and moms, specifically) to fill their cup once in a while.  This comes from putting yourself first and doing something that is related to your personal needs, desires, and interests.

This was transforming to me as a parent and as an individual.  I had never thought about it that way, but now it's part of my parenting practice and my boys are better for it. In so doing, I've modeled for them that it's important to allow and encourage that in their relationships.  

And, as an aside, yes...we are definitely having fun. 

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